Monday, July 12, 2010

Email phishing

Yet another example of a fraudulent email that is going around, claiming to be from your IT services, asking for all your personal information. Simply DO NOT reply to that.
Ignore this type of email:

Subject: Dear XXXXX Webmail User,
To: undisclosed recipients: ;

Dear XXXXX Webmail User,
We wish to inform you about our recent development on our web database and upgrade process which every subscriber must take part on.
We will be shorting our website down within the next 24hours and we need you to verfy your account information with the us for security reasons.

This is to help us recover your email account after this upgrade process has been carried out, we promice that you will not loose any information from your email and we shall not temper with your private informations.
You are required to provide the informations below for verification.
1) Full Name:
2) Email Address:
3) User ID:
4) Password:
5) Date of Birth:
Faliure to patiipate in this upgrade will automatically shortdown your email account with us.
Thank you
Webmaster Service